发布时间:2022-06-06 点击量:3246 来源: 作者:
董航宇(1991.03 - ),湖北恩施人,讲师,哲学博士,硕士生导师。现任智能科学与工程学院智能工程系教师。
2019.09-2021.12,德克萨斯大学,埃尔帕索分校(美国),材料科学与工程,哲学博士,导师:R.D.K. Misra
[1] 美国国家科学基金会, 美国科学基金, DMR1602080,The Relationship Between Grain Structure and Deformation Behavior to the Fracture Mechanism in High Strength-High Ductility Combination Nanostructured Materials,2016.08-2022.08,273.1万元,在研,参与
[2] 国家自然科学基金委员会,联合基金项目,U20A20279,基于氧化物冶金的微合金化理论基础研究,2021.01-2024.12,在研,参与
[3] 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,51671149,新一代原子团簇和纳米相间析出复合强化铁素体超高强韧钢:合金成分设计、团簇结构演化及强韧化机理,2017-01 至 2020-12,60万元,结题,参与
[4] 国家自然科学基金委员会,联合基金项目,U1532268,高温和强磁场协同作用下Fe基材料中合金碳化物析出的热力学机制,2016-01 至 2019-12,248万元,结题,参与
[5] 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年科学基金项目,中碳微纳结构贝氏体钢中残留奥氏体细化及其韧化机理,2017-01 至 2019-12,20万元,结题,参与
[1] H.Y. Dong(第一作者). Effect of nickel on hardening behavior and mechanical properties of nanostructured bainite-austenite steels[J]. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2021, 817:141410
[2] H.Y. Dong(第一作者). The significance of phase reversion-induced nanograined /ultrafine-grained (NG/UFG) structure on the strain hardening behavior and deformation mechanism in copper-bearing antimicrobial austenitic stainless steel [J]. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2021, 119: 104489
[3] H.Y. Dong(通讯作者). Effects of cooling after rolling and heat treatment on microstructures and mechanical properties of Mo-Ti microalloyed medium carbon steel [J]. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2020, 773:138808
[4] H.Y. Dong(第一作者). A comparative study on the three-body abrasive wear performance of Q&P processing and low-temperature bainitic transformation for a medium-carbon dual-phase steel [J]. Wear, 2018, 402-403:21-29.
[5] H.Y. Dong(通讯作者). Coarse Grained Heat-Affected Zone Microstructure and Brittleness of Ti-Nb-B Microalloyed High Toughness and Wear Resistant Steel [J]. Metals, 2019, 9(3):289.
[6] H.Y. Dong (共同第一作者). Erosion-corrosion resistance of Mo-Ti- and Ni-Cr-Mo-alloyed medium-carbon martensitic steels: a critical analysis of synergistic effect of erosion and corrosion. Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, 2022.
[7] A Thermodynamic Analysis of Strengthening Mechanisms and Process-Structure-Property Relationships in Ti-Nb-Mo High-Strength Ferritic Alloy [J]. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2021, 30:2946-2954.
[8] Effect of Zr-deoxidation on microstructure and mechanical behavior of microalloyed heavy plates with low impurity content [J]. Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, 2021, 28: 190-200.
[9] The critical influence of La content on the microstructure-toughness relationship in the simulated coarse-grained heat-affected zone of high-strength low-alloy steels [J]. Metallurgical Research and Technology, 2021, 118:212.